Why Redemption bonds?

Here are a few things that make investments in Redemption Bonds the best investment ever.

  1. Higher Returns Than Market: Redemption Bonds offer the potential for high returns compared to traditional bonds, thanks to the volatility of the cryptocurrency market.

  2. Win Prizes: Redemption offers investors the opportunity to win prizes on a weekly basis, providing an additional incentive to invest.

  3. Transparency: Redemption Prize draws are 100% transparent with no involvement of any person because it works on a smart contract and you can track your investment in real-time and have access to detailed information about the bond.

  4. No Middlemen: Investing in Redemption Bonds means cutting out middlemen such as banks or brokers, resulting in lower fees and costs.

  5. Secured: Onchain crypto bonds are secured by blockchain technology, which provides an added layer of security and transparency.

  6. Redeemable Anytime: Our on-chain crypto bonds can be redeemed at any time, giving you greater flexibility and control over your investment.

  7. Non-Custodial: You are the owner of your deposited funds at any given time and no other person in the world can access your funds. Redemption is non-custodial. It means that you can redeem your money whenever you want.

  8. Open-Source Contract: The entire code of the smart contract is open-source. You can read and verify the contract anytime to see how the entire system is automatically working.

  9. Backed By Treasury: All issued Redemption Bonds are 100% backed by the assets owned by Redemption Treasury using an algorithm, providing security to bondholders.

  10. High Potential: The crypto bond market is an emerging market, which means there are opportunities to invest early and potentially reap significant rewards as the market grows.

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